For purpose-driven organizations, getting things right the first time is critical. And when it comes to video, there's a lot that can go wrong. If you're ready to take the leap into producing video in-house, our decades of experience will help you avoid painful mistakes and get on the fast track to producing your own highly effective video content.

Not sure what your next best steps are when it comes to video? Thinking of scaling up? Scaling down? Outsourcing? Going in-house? Just overwhelmed? We'll do a deep dive with you to determine your best path forward, create an achievable strategy, and help you implement the plan.
Video equipment is expensive. Choosing the right gear and learning how to properly use it is crucial. We will create a setup that meets your unique requirements.
Often times the first in-house video hire is made with budget limitations that require bringing in someone with limited experience. We work one-on-one with your new hire to fast track their development and get them producing high-quality content in weeks, not months or years.
Whether a dedicated, large-scale studio space or convertible corner of your office, we will help you design and build a studio that fits your needs, your budget, and your abilities.
Whether you're ready to get started or just full of questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
You can use the contact form here or reach out directly at hello@fluxtown.com
We'd love to chat.